Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Teaching Manual Student profile , Cumulative record, SERVICE BOOK

Teaching Manual Student profile , Cumulative record, SERVICE BOOK
For attaining the curriculum objectives by utilizing textbooks, teachers handbook, other books and situations teachers has to make an idea about how he will create learning situations within the available time. The planning note for one day basing on this known as Teaching manual.
          Planning is very important for the effective classroom transaction, it help the teachers to design and develop various classroom activities processes. There are two level of planning unit plan & daily plan. Unit plan is pedagogic analysis of a particular unit where as daily plan is the plan for classroom processes for each day.
          The concept of teaching manual has got certain changes in the new transitional period. Teaching manual was prepared for a specific period. Teaching manual was prepared for a specific period  i e for forty five minutes until recently. But the new trends do not insist on the time demarcation where as it recommends to plan for an entire unit. So as to have a total vision of a particular unit. It many sometimes resemble to pedagogic analysis. There shall be two columns in the TM as process page & response page individual response are noticed in the case of outstanding responses & below average responses activities administered by the teacher need to be assessed in the response page so as to change strategies in the learning environment.

The students profile that includes demographic information  such as the students name, the school he is presently attending, what grade is in the general education settings and whether or not  he receives support in the general education setting from special education teachers. If he students is new to the school, you could also include a sentence stating where he is transferring from..
          Write a photograph describing the strengths and needs of the students. This paragraph should describe what the student does well, and it does not need to be limited to academics. If the child has good support with teachers with or gets along well the peers, it is appropriate to mention that in the paragraph. The needs statement should address academic deficits as well as physical or mental limitations that make it difficult for the student to participate fully in the educational process.
List current test data results including the names of the assessments, the data the assessments were given & the student’s scores. Also, list the students current grade in each academic class.
          Write a paragraph describing progress toward annual goals mastery and present level of performance. This final paragraph should also include any comments or concerns expressed by the student, his teachers or his parents.

A un cumulative record card is that which contains the result of  different assessments  and judgments held from time to time during the courses of study of a student. A cumulative record is an account of the child  history in the school. It begins as soon as the child enters the school and continuous  till he leaves the school for good. Generally it covers three consecutive years. It contains information regarding all aspects of the life of the child -  physical, mental, social, moral and psychological . It seeks to give as comprehensive a picture as possible of the personality of a child. “ periodically the significant information gathered on students through the use of various techniques tests, inventories, questionnaires, observations, interview case study, case conferences and the like should be assembled in summery from & the like should be the assembled in summery from on a cumulative record writes janewarters .
A service book should be maintained by the head of office for every Government servant holding a subtractive post on a permanent establishment of officiating in a post or holding a temporary  post likely to last for more than one year.

A service book shall be maintained for a Government servant from the data of his first appointment to Government service. It must be kept in the custody of the head of the office in which he is serving & transferred with him from office to office.
The head of office can delegate, to a subordinate gozetted officer under him, power is to attest  in the service book of all gozetted officers for the maintenance of which he is responsible.
If a government servant is transferred to foreign service book to the pay & Accounts Officer who will returns it after noting in it, under his signature, the order sanctioning the transfer, the effect of the transfer in regard to leave admissible during Foreign service etc.
          Every step in a Government Servants official life should be recorded in his service book and each entry must be attested by the head of officer or if the himself is the head of office, by his immediate superior.

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